PAC 750XL ZS-BLU arrived at Stellenbosch on 18 January 2007
At a glance she hints curves of a PC12; the manufacturers claim that the 750XL is able to climb from sea level to 13,000 feet, make the jump run, and land again in about 16 minutes with 17 sky divers on board.
After having a look inside one notices that she was built as a "no fuss" utility aircraft, the interior again reminding one a bit of a small "para" Dak....with benches for the pax on port and starboard of the cabin.
The PAC750XL has been specifically aimed at the sky diving industry the aircraft comes fitted with jumps door, step, handle, lights and appropriate harnesses.
Add a pretty impressive STOL capability, and an advantageous power to mass ration....she's nothing short of a "home sick angel"
At sea level, 7500 lbs (3405 kgs) MTOW, carrying useful load of 4400 lbs (1997 kgs) she needs a ground roll of 886 feet.
The aircraft can also be configured in a cargo/pax role with an additional "belly slung" cargo pod.
With a 582nm range, could this be the ultimate Safari turbine aircraft? You be the judge...